Distinguishing pure sovereign risk ( minus the contingent liabilities for the financial and non-financial private sectors) from risks that have arisen purely in those sectors, my judgment on the solvency of various entities in the eurozone has been the following. 将纯粹的主权风险(减去为金融和非金融私营部门承担的或有负债)与仅仅在这些部门产生的风险区分开来,我对欧元区不同实体偿付能力的判断如下。
But contingent liabilities stemming from eurozone crisis resolution mechanisms could push the figure much higher. 然而,源自欧元区危机解决机制的或有负债,可能进一步大幅推高这个数字。
What further contingent liabilities are being assumed elsewhere in the group? 这个集团在别的地方还承担其他什么或有债务?
Contingent liabilities have become actual liabilities. 或有债务已经变成了实际债务。
But some analysts believe the contingent liabilities of the government are much higher, once debts on the books of state-owned enterprises and other entities implicitly backed by the state are included. 但一些分析师相信,一旦纳入国有企业及国家隐性支持的其它实体账目上的债务,政府背负的或有债务将高得多。
Such steps could arrest the steady increase of debt-to-GDP ratios, even after addressing those looming contingent liabilities. 即便解决了隐隐迫近的那些或有债务之后,债务与GDP之比仍会稳步攀升,而上述举措能够遏制这种增长。
A successful scheme which is fair to taxpayers and does not involve off-balance sheet wheezes or hidden contingent liabilities will require funds up-front. 这将代价不菲。一项对纳税人而言较为公道、且没有涉及表外债务或隐性或有债务的成功计划,将要求拿出先期资金。
No doubt local government debts and contingent liabilities in the banking system – loans that could turn sour if growth slows – might mean a higher implicit public debt burden. 毫无疑问,地方政府债务和银行体系或有负债(如果经济增速放缓,可能会变为不良的贷款)可能意味着更重的公共债务负担。
When preparing consolidated financial statements, it shall adjust the financial statements of the subsidiary company on the basis of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities determined on the acquisition date. 编制合并财务报表时,应当以购买日确定的各项可辨认资产、负债及或有负债的公允价值为基础对子公司的财务报表进行调整。
This may be finding concealed or contingent liabilities, or the risk of the funds you invest being claimed immediately by lenders or other dominant creditors. 它可能是发现隐藏的或或有的债务,或者你投入的资金立刻被银行或其它主要债权人索取走的风险。
It will not be easy for china-there are risks for example in the increasing fiscal burden, contingent liabilities, and rising unemployment. 中国也面临着许多困难-例如较大的收支负担,薄弱的社会保障和失业率上升等所带来的风险。
The identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities which meet the following conditions shall be recognized separately. 被购买方各项可辨认资产、负债及或有负债,符合下列条件的,应当单独予以确认。
The scale of contingent liabilities, such as government guarantees on bank debt, differs hugely between countries, with a far bigger increase in the rich economies at the heart of the crisis. 但改变远不止这一项,或有债务(例如政府担保的银行债务)的持有量在不同的国家是截然不同的,处于这次金融危机中心的富有国家(的债务持有量)就已经大幅上升了。
These bring new potential contingent liabilities that increase risks in the banking sector. 这带来了潜在的或有负债,增加了银行业的风险。
But many of those contingent liabilities will not turn into real liabilities unless growth slows sharply. 然而,如果增长没有出现严重下滑,这些或有负债都不会演变为实际债务。
Disposal of Contingent Liabilities Caused by Responsibility of Guarantee in Debt Valuation 债权价值评估中因保证责任产生的或有负债的处理
The basic way of preventing and resolving moral hazards in the government's contingent liabilities is to arrange normal institution, expose information enough and promote social moral rationally. 防范和化解政府或有债务的道德风险,根本途径在于规范的制度安排,充分的信息披露和社会道德理性的整体提升。
Therefore, we must guard against and defuse financial risks by seriously studying the government contingent liabilities. 因此,防范和化解财政风险必须认真研究政府或有负债。
This text firstly analyses the local government contingent liabilities and the risk theory, the forming of contingent liabilities. 第一部分首先是对地方政府或有债务涵义的界定,然后分析地方政府或有债务的形成机理、特征及其效应,从理论角度对地方政府或有债务进行把握。
Consideration on Contingent Liabilities of Local Government in Our Country 对我国地方政府或有负债问题的思考
The paper starts from defining the government contingent liabilities and financial risks, makes it clear which elements the government contingent liabilities include, the relationship between the government contingent liabilities and financial risks. 本文首先从界定政府或有负债和财政风险入手,搞清楚政府或有负债究竟包括那些内容,政府或有负债和财政风险的关系。
Government Contingent Liabilities and Financial Risk 政府或有负债与财政风险
Such debts do not belong to local government on the names but the local government has to pay it finally, these debts all have uncertainty and are contingent liabilities. 这些名义上不属于地方政府的债务,但最终需要地方政府承担偿债责任,这些债务都有不确定性属于或有债务。
By the analysis of reasons to the government contingent liabilities, the measures to control it are also given. 只有在对政府或有负债产生原因进行全面、客观的理论解析后,我们才能有针对性地提出控制政府或有负债积累的相关措施。
It also recommends the legality method to govern malignant tax competition, regularize tax expenditure and avoid the risk of contingent liabilities. 分析了国内恶性税收竞争对我国或有债务的影响,提出了治理国内恶性税收竞争,规范税收支出,规避或有债务风险的法制化手段。
The thesis also analyzes the moral hazard behavior and institutional public risk induced by government contingent liabilities except for the scale of the debts. 在规模分析的基础上,本文还对我国政府或有债务引发的道德风险和制度性公共风险进行了分析。
As the government dissolving the social public risk means, financial must bear the responsibility of the last out. Therefore, the government contingent liabilities is also the financial costs of pay in solving the public risk. 财政作为政府化解社会公共风险的手段,必然要承担最后兜底的责任,因此,政府或有债务也就是政府在化解公共风险过程中所付出的财政成本。
From the formation mechanism of the debt and risk transmission path to see, the government government contingent liabilities has its certain inevitability. 从政府或有债务的形成机理和风险传导路径来看,政府或有债务的形成有其一定的必然性。
Later, we evaluate the scale of contingent liabilities in our country and the levels of moral hazard and institutional public risks in the aspect of fiscal ( public) risks. 之后,又从财政(公共)风险的视角对我国或有负债的规模及其引发的道德风险和制度性公共风险进行了评估和分析。
The governments should build management system to resolve the risks induced by contingent liabilities. 建立化解或有债务风险的的管理系统。